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Cornwall Cathedrals Copyright


Howe Green - Sandford Mill Lock - Chelmsford - Galleywood Circular

19th March 2021


Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
17.8 4H07 3H37 112 112 17 86





Start Point - United Reform Chapel in Howe Green

Bridleway to Sandon Hall Farm


Skirting the gravel pits

Approaching the bridge over the A12


The A12

Path to Sandon village parallel to the A12


Dropping down into Sandon

Hall Lane

St Andrew's Church, Sandon

Sandon Village Green

Brick Kiln Road

Path across field to Sandford Mill Lock after crossing Maldon Road

Sandford Mill Lane


Sandford Mill Lock


Chelmer & Blackwater Canal

Approaching Barnes Mill Lock

Barnes Mil Lock

Chelmsford in the distance

Canalside developments in Chelmsford



Chelmsford weir


Princes Road, after navigating Army & Navy roundabout

Princes Road Lidl

Turning left up Longstomps Avenue

Hyland's Parade, at the top of Longstomps Avenue

The Running Mare, Galleywood Road

The Eagle, Galleywood

Turning left down Ponds Road, following the Chelmsford Centenary trail

Right off Lower Green, crossing the fields


Turn left by the trees




Towards The Chase, with vines to the left

After a short stretch on Brooks Lane, take Vicarage Road to the left and then follow
a path across thefields to the right to Great Mascalls

Great Mascalls Farm

At Great Mascals Farm you have three alternatives
(a) walk up the West Hanningfield Road to the roundabout next to Phoenix Hospital, and then to Great Baddow. You turn right in Church Street and come back to Howe Green by the Great Baddow Lawn Tennis Club (b) follow the route of the Chelmsford Centenary Trail to the Phoenix Hospital roundabout or (c) carry straight on throuhg Great Mascalls Farm and take the short cut to the A12 roundabouts.

You are being watched!

Take the path that goes between the farm buildings

After Great Mascalls Farm, instead of turning left towards Great Baddow, keep straight on
across the fields which leads to the A12 Roundabout, Junction 17

There is a stile and a "Public Footpath" sign next to the road sign. This leads onto the double roundabouts where it is possible to cross with ease, making use of traffic light changes. This leads up Gingerbread Hill and back to the start.